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Updated: Apr 1, 2023

Simple, cost-free checklist of 31 things to get rid of from your life and house in March. Declutter one item every day this month, taking it one step at a time. You'll organize your belongings and appreciate living in a more organized space.

Choose your preferred method of accomplishing tasks utilizing each black-and-white decluttering checklist for the month.

Either declutter everything in one day during a blitz session or take your time and tackle it one item at a time on the suggested day from the checklist.

It truly depends on how much free time you have and how you want to work (as usual!).

Let's begin the March decluttering (the first for Spring) without further ado.


1. Evening wear that you don't need or won't wear again. As ladies frequently attend evening events with the same group of people, it is best to wear a different outfit each time, ask yourself how many dressy events you attend and whether you will ever wear the same thing again.

2. Your phone may have time-wasting apps. I recently deleted several of the mobile apps that seemed to let me waste hours of the day when I allowed myself to become sidetracked. The temptation follows them if they aren't present.

3. Spend an hour fixing anything that needs to be fixed (DIY or clothes).

4. Digital books (Kindle) you've read but no longer want. It doesn't matter if the clutter is digital or tangible; it may still drag you down.

5. Extra furniture (clean the space a bit and give everything a chance to breathe!

6. Shopping catalogs. Today, it's incredibly simple to look up everything you need online. You'll always have the most recent catalog online, which makes shopping simpler. You'll also see any sales, any out-of-stock goods, and any additions.

7. Any earrings without a matching pendant

8. Expiring vitamins

9. Outdated coats that you never wear.

10 Children's video games that are no longer appropriate. Ask your pals or the staff at a games shop to trade them. Why not think about searching in your local library in the future as well? Some libraries will have games available for rent, which may be a fantastic way to see if you like a game and to get more for your money without being bored.

11. Freeze anything that has passed its prime. Contrary to popular perception, if something is frozen, it won't stay that way forever. It will still decay, but more slowly. To make future occurrences of this less likely, get in the habit of rotating the contents of your freezer.

12. Numbers in your Phones PhoneBook - Remove any numbers you no longer use from your mobile device.

13. Just retain the very special pieces of children's artwork (take photos or scan them instead so you still have copies but less bulk).

14. Outdated periodicals. Why not choose an online magazine subscription service like Readly rather than buying actual magazines? This brilliantly reduces clutter.

15. Clothing categories that you no longer wear, such as work clothes if you work from home or are a stay-at-home mother, maternity clothes if you already have a family, etc.

16. Your bathroom scales are really not necessary in your life.

17. Gloves without a companion

18. Anything on your nightstand that is unnecessary is item number. Take a close look, and only keep what *really* needs to be there. We frequently grow blind to what is there in front of us.

19. Antique bicycles, scooters, tricycles, etc.

20. If you have any ironing that needs to be done, take 15 minutes to do it.

21. Winter attire you didn't wear or that is out-of-date

22. Everything that shouldn't be in the front-view mirror or visors of the automobile (if you try, you can get quite a bit in there!)

23. Cleaning tasks on your to-do list that someone else could complete (delegate)

24. Out-of-date treats or pet food

25. Hats you never wear.

26. Choose a new color to paint any rooms you have since redecorated. I'm constantly shocked to see the paint from years ago hidden in the paint cans in my garage!

27. Scarves that you don't wear

28. Memberships or subscriptions you never use

29. Outdated computers (take care to destroy the hard drive first)

30. Damaged CDs or DVDs

31. Plug-in air fresheners that have long since lost their aroma

You now have a list of 31 things to get rid of in March from your house and life, along with a free checklist to help you remain on track.

The greatest approach to stay on schedule for the entire month and accomplish something every day.

I sincerely hope you enjoy using this list, successfully purge a lot of items in March, and join me for April's checklist the following month (and if you absolutely cannot wait until then, keep in mind that the complete list is spelled down HERE).


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