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In order to avoid making any frequent decluttering errors that could impede your progress, here are a few beginner-friendly decluttering recommendations to follow before you start.


Making a plan is the first step I prefer to take when beginning a decluttering job, whether it's in the kitchen or the bathroom. Getting rid of clutter may be quite frustrating, especially if you don't know where to start. It can help with that because a 30-day decluttering challenge establishes a realistic timeframe for what to concentrate on during that period.

There's always the option to create your own list or utilize the free bathroom decluttering checklist provided below. The next step is just choosing a time in your day to fit it in. I enjoy including my decluttering chores into my weekly cleaning schedule. But discover what suits you and your house.

Decluttering is not a race; as long as you put in the work, you will be successful. No matter how modest, progress is still progress.


It's time to start gathering your resources once you've developed a plan and determined the best time to begin decluttering your bathroom.

Sorting your belongings into three to four separate categories—things to dump, donate/sell, or keep—can be useful when you decide to declutter any space in your house. Simply take a box or garbage bag and place your belongings inside of them while you decide what to do with them.


Take a few minutes to perform a thorough cleaning of the areas once you begin the decluttering process in your bathroom and you begin taking items out of the medicine cabinet, drawers, and shelves. When reintroducing the items you want to preserve, make sure to clear out any dirt, dust, or debris.


It's time to start organizing the bathroom now that you are aware of a few useful decluttering strategies. The following are the locations and items you ought to pay attention to:

Anything that is empty, expired, or that you are no longer using should be disposed of. Some items to purge from your medical cabinet include the following:

  • Medications

  • Vitamins

  • First Aid

  • Toothpaste

  • Toothbrushes*

it’s recommended you change your toothbrush every 3 months.


Do you keep a drawer full of expensive skin care items that didn't work for you but that you feel awful discarding because they were so expensive? Try to keep in mind how much room they are occupying and offer them to a family member or friend so they can be consumed and not wasted before they expire.

A few skin care products you may have on hand are:

Remember that you can combine two identical products that are nearly empty to save some space. When a product is running low, we occasionally have an inclination to buy a new one and begin using that before using up the older product. Not only will doing so save space, but it will also reduce trash.

containerized cosmetics, cosmetic brushes, eye shadow, and lip gloss


Throw away any cosmetics that have dried out, expired, or haven't been used for a while, including:


Do you have a lot of unused duplicate hair products? Keep the ones you prefer and discard the rest. Some hair products that you might keep on hand include the following:


Throw out anything that has become dull or out of date.


You might be shocked by how many samples and travel-size goods you have saved. Consider giving something to a buddy you know you won't use or throwing away items you know you won't use because they are just taking up room.


Go through your linen closet and throw out anything that is stained, ripped, or that you no longer want or need, including:


Sift through your cleaning supplies and discard anything that is nearly empty or doesn't function properly.

If you have young children, go through your bath toys and bath products and throw everything that hasn't been used in a while or has expired away.

To keep yourself motivated, print out this free bathroom checklist.

The bathroom decluttering checklist will not only keep you organized so that you know what to concentrate on, but it will also keep you inspired to keep going.

Just keep in mind to begin with a modest area when organizing your bathroom. This list may initially appear daunting, but try focusing on one topic per day to make things simpler. Declutter your medicine cabinet first on Monday, and then perhaps your linen closet on Tuesday.

When everything has been cleared away, simply work your way down the list. Find what works for you, of course. You don't have to complete it all in a week, but setting a goal and allotting a little bit of time each day can increase your chances of success.


After decluttering your bathroom, it's critical to find strategies to arrange it to prevent clutter from returning. Here are some organization tips to keep your bathroom clear of clutter:

  • Clean out the linen closet. After getting rid of everything you don't use or need any longer, consider whether you can use the space for extra supplies like kleenex, toilet paper, etc. Try putting a shelf above your door to store extra items you wish to have on hand if you still don't have enough room.

  • To store hair dryers and other hair items, use hooks or storage baskets.

  • Get a corner storage caddy to hold body wash, shampoo, and conditioner in the shower or bathtub.

  • Regularly used towels should be hung up on hooks. Invest in over-the-door hooks if you don't have the room.

  • Make careful to only put items that you use frequently out on your counters while you organize them. Keep things off counters with the help of this storage caddy.

  • Organize your bathroom cupboards and drawers on a budget by using affordable storage containers and trays from Dollar Tree.

  • Keep a cleaning caddy with your preferred cleaning supplies in your linen closet or beneath your sink to make cleaning your house easier.

  • For quick access, keep cotton swabs and cotton balls in a mason jar by your sink or on a neighbouring shelf.


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