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Now that you are aware of the advantages of decluttering your bedroom, here are 42 items you can get rid of to make your life easier and make the time you spend there more enjoyable.

Here are a few other reasons to declutter your bedroom:

  • Because you don't have to clean around objects, you can perform a much better job of cleaning.

  • You can save time because you aren't continuously searching for misplaced stuff because you know where everything is.

  • As you clean out your closet and drawers, you are forced to start paying attention to the items you buy and add to your wardrobe because you spent so much time clearing out the clutter in the first place. This can help you save money.

Some things to ask yourself when decluttering

There is no denying that organizing your space may be a major task. Even while you are aware of how good it will be for your mental health, you may feel overwhelmed one moment and terrible for not wanting to let go the next.

  • Have I used or worn this item in the last 12 months? If not, it is highly probable that you won't, thus you should consider giving the item to charity. The only exception to this guideline is if it's a pricey item of apparel that you know will be worn again in the future and that you only wear for special occasions.

  • Have I got enough room to store it? I have a little house, so I might have to be more picky about what I can keep. Nevertheless, you might have a broader place to work with, allowing you to be a little bit more discriminating. But in either case, be cautious to only maintain things you love and find useful.

  • Would I repurchase this product? Consider whether or not you would buy the item again when deciding whether to keep or discard it. We occasionally make impulsive purchases because they are popular or because we spotted them on social media. Yet that doesn't imply that it represents our own sense of style.

  • Is the product in decent shape? Check the item for tears or holes; if there are any, there is really no reason to preserve it, especially if it is taking up room that could be used for something else.

  • Dress Shirts

  • Sweaters

  • Sweatshirts/Hoodies

  • Dresses/Skirts

  • Jackets/Coats

  • Dress pants

  • Jeans

  • Hangers

  • Socks

  • Underwear/Bras

  • Pantyhose

  • T-Shirts

  • Pajamas

  • Loungewear/Fitness clothes

  • Bathing suits




  • Books

  • Magazines

  • Old Phones/Chargers

  • Stationery items



  • Luggage

  • Fitness gear

  • Misc. items

Making a plan to keep your bedroom clutter-free once you've cleaned it out could be beneficial. You can take the following actions to keep clutter under control:

For clothing that doesn't fit or that you no longer like, place a basket in the closet. Fill the basket to capacity, then place it in a box for donation.

Every season, make it a point to go through your wardrobe. Decide what you want to keep and what you want to throw away before storing your winter clothing. Afterwards, simply follow the same procedure with your spring/summer attire.

Flip the hangers over. Turning your hangers around so you can see the things you actually wear on a regular basis is a great organization tip.

Implement the one-in, one-out rule. Try to get rid of an item you don't wear anymore when you get something new to keep the clutter under control.

There you have it: 42 things (plus a few more) that can be cleared out of your bedroom. Hopefully, this list has given you the motivation to start cleaning up your house right away.


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