Even though your pantry may be tiny, you can still keep it attractively organized. In today's article, we'll discuss some of the top small pantry organization tips so you can maximize your available space when you redesign your pantry.
1. Create zones in your pantry
Creating zones in your pantry gives everything a designated place so that you know exactly where your items are. No pantry zones will be exactly alike. It all depends on your cooking and eating habits! Here are some common pantry zones that may work for your pantry:
Baking zone: This is where all of your baking supplies will live. Things like flour, sugar, oatmeal, and other baking ingredients should all be placed together.
Snack zone: This zone will contain all of your snacks. Crackers, chips, bars, etc.
Dinner zone: This zone will hold all of your dinner foods. Pasta, rice, canned goods, and other boxed goods.
“On the Go” zone: Things like microwaveable meals, drinks, and quick breakfast foods should be placed in this zone.
When setting your zones up in your pantry, you want to make sure you arrange your shelves in an order of most important/most reached for.
For example, if you don’t bake very often, your baking zone should be towards the top of your pantry. If you are always grabbing snacks, your snack zone should be towards the bottom of the pantry.
2. Use large bins to organize food & snacks
I’m sure you’ve seen those super aesthetic Pinterest-perfect pantries with no packaging and all-clear containers. Even though it’s super satisfying to look at, it isn’t the best way to make the most out of your space.
Using large bins is a better way to organize your pantry so that you will be able to actually store and organize all of your foods, and maintain them as well.
If you still want to incorporate this clear container look, they can work really well for dry baking goods, pasta, oats, and other “loose” foods!
3. Utilize your pantry door
You don’t want to forget to use the space on the inside of your pantry doors. This area is great for storing sauces, spreads, or seasonings. Here are some great door organizers that will work perfectly for organizing your pantry door.
Labeling everything in your pantry will help you keep your pantry organized longer. When it comes to labeling, be sure to use broad labels so that your system is easy to maintain. For example, instead of labeling a container “crackers & chips” opt for “snacks”.
5. Use sink caddies on pantry walls
This small pantry organization hack is perfect for organizing and storing seasoning packets, juice packets, and other small items.
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6. Put healthy snacks at eye level
Trying to stay healthy? Put your healthy snacks at eye level so that they are easy to see and easy to reach for. We are more likely to grab what we continually see throughout the day.
7. Use an under-shelf basket for bread
If you’re having trouble finding a place to store your bread, try placing it under a shelf in your pantry!
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8. Use turntables in tight corners
Turntables are perfect to use in hard-to-reach corners to make things easier to grab when you need them! Things like oils, vinegars, sauces, and spreads work really well for turntables.
9. Utilize empty floor space
One place that you may be underutilizing in your pantry is the floor. Your pantry floor is the perfect place to organize backstock products that won’t fit on your shelves, water bottles, paper towels/plates, or any other bulky items (ex. appliances).