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Updated: Feb 9, 2023

I realize I'm very behind the curve, but after hearing about Facebook Marketplace from a neighbor, I'm hooked.

Sincerely, I hardly ever use Facebook for anything besides DIY VIDEOS. After graduating from college, I really stopped using Facebook for years and just created a new profile. Since I prefer Instagram, I seldom ever make friend invitations and hardly read through my news feed. I probably wouldn't have known about Facebook Marketplace until a few weeks ago if I didn't use Facebook. But now that I'm aware of it, I really like it!


I appreciate that I can use the Facebook marketplace to search for furniture and décor in my neighborhood, which is precisely what I did when I first started looking around. I love that this limits the pool of alternatives so that it is manageable to periodically check in on and only displays furniture and home accents that are located within three miles of my residence.

I won't have to scroll endlessly to see what has changed. In order to uncover interesting pieces that catch my eye for spaces in our home that are still on my 2023 to-do list, I've been casually checking in on what's for sale locally.


I sent the seller a message (who also happened to live nearby!) and arranged a time to go see the MCM side table in person.

Unexpectedly, it was the ideal size and color for the room. Since our couch is so deep, I've been on the lookout for a new piece to go here but just haven't been able to locate anything that fits right. Other possibilities that I brought home had considerably greater price tags, but I never really liked any of them.

However, I was eager to bring this MCM side table home and give it a try when I noticed its shape and proportions. What did I have to lose, really, with such a low price and the chance to sell it again on Facebook if things don't work out?

The table looks great next to our large couch and gives the space a bit more depth and organization. The presence of this table even motivated me to add lighting here at last!

I purchased this swing arm light for our remodeled living room corner, and I adore everything about it. We only had can lights in here before we added this mounted light . Although I adore dimmable can lights, it has been wonderful to have another, more subdued choice for evening lighting.


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